Saturday 21 January 2017

Day 10 (76-2)74sp

Had all this plus 6 slices of domino's which I didn't photograph. Had friend and husband visiting.

Day 9 (63-13 ) 50sp

Went for a coffee after hv class and didn't have a cake.woo hoo

Thursday 19 January 2017

Day 8 weigh day 13 st 2 (68-10) 58sp

Went a walk to tesco and then garden centre. Baby is not sleeping well. Woke up at 3.50 then 6.30 the 8.50 . Didn't nap this morning until I took him out in pram at 2.

Day 7 wed 18th (64-8)56sp

Having problems with blogger just now. Increasingly difficult to post from my phone due to blogger app not posting I ages.
Went for coffee again today without getting a cake . Did that yesterday too.